The Planning Commission’s role is to make and adopt a master plan for the Township’s land use and development, including maps, charts and descriptive material. The Commission serves as the review and advisory board, which provides recommendations to the Board of Trustees regarding various Township initiatives and the consideration of applications. The Commission is required to review any plats or subdivisions and make a recommendation prior to Township board action. The Commission also conducts public hearings and advises the Township Board regarding establishing and amending Township Zoning Ordinances which establish land development regulations and land development districts and zones.
The Planning Commission consists of five members appointed by the Supervisor with Township Board approval. One member of the Planning Commission shall be a Township Board member. Members must be qualified township electors. Terms for Planning Commission members are three years and the term for each officer is one year.
Meetings are held the 2nd Tuesday of each month. Applications requiring review by the Planning Commission must be submitted at least 30 days prior to the meeting at which you desire it to be considered. Please contact the Township Hall to verify all meeting dates as they are subject to change.
Current Planning Commission Meeting Agenda
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
Commission Members:
- Dwayne Dreyer — Chair
- Jerry Geertman — Vice Chair
- Brian Raak — Secretary
- Dan Raak — Board Member
- Adrian Meekhof — Member
- Lori Castello — Zoning Administrator