Please confirm that the property is located within Olive Township. If you’re uncertain, you can check the township by using the property search. Just enter the address or parcel number, click ‘Search,’ and the results will display the township where the property is situated.

View Permit Applications

Fee Schedules

  • Electrical

    New House: $285
      with Temporary Service: $380
    Remodel: $95 per inspection
    Mobile Home: $95
    Service Upgrade: $95
    Air Conditioning: $95
    In-ground Pool: $190
    Above-ground Pool: $95
    Re-inspection: $95
    Plan review: $145 per hour with minimum of one hour

    Inspector: Jeff Nyboer
    Phone: 616-610-2897

  • Mechanical

    New House: $190
    Remodel: $95 per inspection
    Mobile Home: $95
    Fireplace: $190
    Furnace and/or Air Conditioning Replacement: $95
    Water Heater: $95
    Underground/In Floor: $95
    Re-inspection: $95
    Plan review: $145 per hour with minimum of one hour

    Inspector: Bob Modreske
    616-477-4940 cell

  • Plumbing

    New House: $190
      with Underground: $285
    Remodel: $95 per inspection
    Mobile Home: $95
    Re-inspection: $95
    Pine Meadows, Water/Sewer: $95 additional, total $285
    Plan review: $145 per hour with minimum of one hour

    Inspector: Bob Modreske
    616-477-4940 cell

All other work requiring permits will be charged $95.00 per inspection for however many inspections the job requires.

Revised 01/01/ 2025