View Permit Applications

Fee Schedules

  • Electrical

    New House: $210
      with Temporary Service: $280
    Remodel: $70 per inspection
    Mobile Home: $70
    Service Upgrade: $70
    Air Conditioning: $70
    In-ground Pool: $140
    Above-ground Pool: $70
    Re-inspection: $70
    Plan review: $85 per hour with minimum of one hour

    Inspector: Jeff Nyboer
    Phone: 616-610-2897

  • Mechanical

    New House: $140
    Remodel: $70 per inspection
    Mobile Home: $70
    Fireplace: $140
    Furnace and/or Air Conditioning Replacement: $70
    Water Heater: $70
    Underground/In Floor: $70
    Re-inspection: $70
    Plan review: $85 per hour with minimum of one hour

    Inspector: Bob Modreske
    616-477-4940 cell

  • Plumbing

    New House: $140.00
      with Underground: $210.00
    Remodel: $70 per inspection
    Mobile Home: $70
    Re-inspection: $70
    Pine Meadows, Water/Sewer: $70 additional, total $210.00
    Plan review: $85 per hour with minimum of one hour

    Inspector: Bob Modreske
    616-477-4940 cell

All other work requiring permits will be charged $70.00 per inspection for however many inspections the job requires.

Revised 04/01/ 2022